Protein and biomolecules sources for nutritional security and biodiversity
of bakery products in a circular food system
From 20 to 22 October 2023 will be held, at the Fiera di Roma, Maker Faire Rome, the European event that facilitates and talks about technological innovation in a simple and accessible way, connecting businesses, Academia, people and ideas. It is a trade fair where industry experts, makers and innovators meet to share their projects with the general public.
The Open Event of the project PROVIDE will be held in Rome next Monday 22 May at the Sapienza University of Rome (Department of Environmental Biology). This event is organized by ENEA in collaboration with METROFOOD-IT and its Operating Unit of the Sapienza University of Rome.
On Thursday, 27th of October 2022, PROVIDE will organize a webinar on "Valorization of food by-products – chances and challenges to achieve a circular food system” as part of the first TUM sustainability day.
The “Carlotta Award 2022” second edition is promoted by ENEA, the Academy of Sciences known as the XL and by the European Research Infrastructure METROFOOD-RI and sponsored by the Internetional Program ICARDA CGIAR Research Centre, Wheat Initiative , EUCARPIA and KWS
It is reserved exclusively for woman researchers under 40.
In 2018, the year of the first edition, it was the 150th anniversary of Carlotta Parisani Strampelli, wife of the great Italian geneticist Nazareno Strampelli, it was decided to name this award after her so that this female figure, in the service of research, could have the right recognition and, above all, to give a positive signal to young woman researchers engaged in the genetic improvement of wheat and other cereals.
This Second Edition is hosted within the most important International Congress on cereals and derived food products, the International Conference "From Seed to Pasta IV" to be held in Bologna on 26-28 October 2022.
The scientific areas on which the works are focused will be two, related to the main themes of the FSTP-4 Congress, 1-5 (a) and 6-8 (b) respectively:
- wheat genetics, genomics and breeding;
- sustainable wheat production for food security, food quality and safety, durum wheat-pasta value chain
In addition to the 4 winners of the Carlotta Award 2022, on the same topics, 4 female researchers, operating in developing and/or emerging Countries, will be selected with special mentions for their excellent work, regardless of high IF publications and/or important funding.
The winners will be selected by a special international jury of experts and, in case of an equal judgment between two (or more) candidates, the youngest will be entitled to the prize as an incentive to her scientific and professional growth.
The prizes will be awarded within the framework of the International Conference aimed at presenting the latest innovations in terms of research, approaches and technologies in the sector of cereals and derived food products.
The application must consist of a descriptive abstract of the original work (in which the candidate must appear as the unique or first author), accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae and a list of publications.
The deadline for submitting applications is June 15th, 2022
For more info:
Food waste valorization into valuable products, organised by IBA, is taking place today November 17, 2021 on the zoom platform. The event is divided into two parts:
- Open Event with the participation of Michael Rychlik and Susanne Struck - TUM Germany, Nastasia Belc - IBA, Romania, Vlad Cioceanu - Bio Romania, Romania, Mihnea Popescu, Catina lui Bicu, Romania, Cristina Di Mauro - FederBio, Italy.
- Mid Term Meeting for a Work packages short presentation
The main goal of the project “Circular economy applied to the treatment of table olives brines based on solar evaporation”, financed by the LIFE program of the European Union with the acronym LIFE SOLIEVA (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000273), is to demonstrate the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of the technology based on membrane, concentrator vacuum and spray dryer (OCR) and advanced solar evaporation (ASE) to face the environmental challenges of the table olive sector (TO) in the treatment of the table olive processing wastewater (TOPWW) and update the environmental legislation related to use of water.